The online travel diary of two Australian hooligans undertaking the adventure of a (their) lifetime.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Goan Off

Goa - famous for its hippies, beaches and party scene - became known to westerners in the 60's. 45 years later, the beaches and the parties still draw people to experience this part of India. Unfortunately for the hippies, science discovered that excessive drug usage can cause serious harm. Although they have not aged well, remnants of the hippie population are still living in Goa, along with the younger tourists and families which come along to enjoy the peaceful beachside each summer. It would have to be one of the most relaxed places we have visited so far on our journey.
After 10 days exploring the grey matter, we decided that Goa sounded like it needed our company. So, we caught a bus there and relaxed for five days by sitting on a beach, exploring the countryside on a motorbike. We slept a lot and managed to regain our powers of speech along the way.
Goan food is renowned for its creamy (mainly seafood) curries. Needless to say, we gave it a good lash. Yum. Delicious. Scrummy. The restaurants were definitely a lot of fun.
We hope that everyone has a good Easter. Travel safely to your holiday destinations and don't overdo the chocolate thing. Easter doesn't really exist in most parts of India, so we won't be having any Easter eggs this year. Very disappointed with the religious customs in this part of the world at present!


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