The online travel diary of two Australian hooligans undertaking the adventure of a (their) lifetime.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Australia Day 2006

There are certain things we miss about Australia. For Dennis, it's salt and vinegar chips and Coopers beer. Together usually. Andrea misses the dry heat. Australia Day 2006 was spent reflecting on our homeland far away whilst getting drunk in a bar, for what could be more Australian than getting drunk and obnoxious? Well, maybe patting a tiger would be pretty Australian. Not as Australian as wrestling the tiger, but patting one comes a close second. Maybe visiting the Bridge on the River Kwai would be pretty Australian. I reckon walking over it on Australia Day would rate pretty bloody highly on the Oz-Meter. So we did. And it was bonzer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

blowing up the bloody bridge, and then eating the tigers after a case of coopers would've been the most australian option. obviously. you've been away too long.


3:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like both you and the tiger enjoyed the experience, I hope you bought the tiger dinner first!


6:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
Cricket was rained out the week before last and then there was the 20/20 final which (somehow) South didn't make. so there's been a distinct lack of cricket.

Had a poker night last night and Jason was out early in the first round. I joined in on the second round and was out after about 5 or so hands.

A bit less than a week 'til school starts (though the rest of NSW has started already) - would be looking forward to it if it meant I could still sleep in.

Happy belated Australia Day - we drank beer in a pool (not of vomit) all day.


10:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So lovely to see you with the tiger,what happened to Andrea? Did the tiger have her for lunch? Pleased to hear you went on the bridge over the River Kwai,did you set the charges? It was nice to speak to you on the phone on Saturday. Have forwarded the e-mails on to Grandma. Mum&Dad.

3:17 AM


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