The online travel diary of two Australian hooligans undertaking the adventure of a (their) lifetime.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hoi An, Vietnam

Well, haven't we had some interesting adventures on our slow journey around Vietnam? (It was a rhetorical question, no need to answer it...) It all started going pear-shaped when the two misguided adventurers decided to try to do it themselves, avoid the vulture-like locals, and get their own way to one of the world's most beautiful places - Halong Bay. It was nice - the 20 or so minutes we saw of it from a distance in the rain. Really nice. (Sarcasm intended). Debacle is a word that sums up the 8 hour return bus trip crammed in with fighting, spitting, hustling locals - and I mean crammed and I mean hustling. (No sarcasm intended) These guys will scam money out of you faster than you can say 'Visa Card.' The ten-seater bus held at least 25 people, sometimes more, along with all of their luggage - a big screen tv, bundles of clothes, suitcases. I was disappointed at the absence of chickens and goats. In all, we missed sailing through the most beautiful place on earth because the bus kept stopping to cram more people on. We arrived to find that the boat had left without us... We hung our heads in defeat and headed back to Hanoi.

After our untriumphant return to Hanoi, we got drunk. Very drunk. It helped a little. Even the serious hangovers on the bus south to Dong Ha were an outrageously pleasant sensation compared to our experiences on the previous day.

Dong Ha was excellent. We chased Charlie through the underground tunnels dug by the Viet Cong in Vinh Moc. They were crammed, damp and dark. It was amazing to see this elaborate system of tunnels dug straight into the clay earth. It was even more amazing to be sent out to explore the place on your own. The kilometres of tunnels housed hundreds of villagers and Viet Cong soldiers for five years. Carved into thr tunnel walls were family rooms, wells, washing rooms, baby delivery rooms (17 babies born underground!) conference rooms, armouries, even a hall for showing films and cultural events. Impressive stuff!

We moved onto Hue to explore the ancient ruins of the Vietnamese Imperial Citadel. Most of it got destroyed in the recent wars which is sad to see. It would have been very beautiful in its day. Now we find ourselves in Hoi An, getting measured up for tailor-made clothes for next to nothing. The inner thigh measurements were Dennis' highlight! After a bit of R&R (Read: Drinking) we will continue our journey south. Adios.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done caped crusaders.

this adventure is sounding death defying and dangerous. i like it. i knew i could count on you two to take the road less travelled. seeking out crime in its darkest depths...
keep up the good work.


1:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi- Just thought we'd let you both know that we miss having you around at the moment.

South has their last cricket game for tomorrow - they lost really badly last week - no players to begin with (Nicko, Michael and Jason all had to work and a few others were out of town or something), anyway, Dylan, who was meant to play, had a big farewell night (before heaading off to Adelaide for an apprenticeship) and jumped off a fence somewhere near the Mulga, ending up with a stake through his foot.

It's looking like rain (for a third time against Central it might be rained out)tonight. Most of the Central players are a bit upset because if it is rained out they will be third, but if the game is played and they beat South tomorrow they'll end up 2nd if Wests beat North. WIll try and remember to tell you the results.

Most schools have had their swimming carnivals this week and last week. The weather has been warm, but not really really hot, which generally makes for good swimming carnival weather.

Hope the rest of Vietnam is a bit more enjoyable.... and just in case you skipped over the first bit of this, we miss you.

Love Rachel and Jason.

2:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Dennis stay away from the big guns!! Inner thigh measurements- its not like its grown- has it? Andrea couldn't be that lucky.

Sounds like you guys are having a great time.

lots of love
Kelli and Gavin ( returned home) and the dog

9:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are having an awesome time (halong bay excluded)... next time you feel sorry for yourself just think i catch a mini-van with 15 people crammed into it to work EVERY DAY!

When do you think you will get to cambodia? I will be arriving at Phnom Penh on Friday (3) and should be at Angkor Wat by Monday (6)

Love you guys!


7:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis and my beautiful Andrea

I really miss you guys. I love reading about your adventures, is it romantic? (ha ) no seriously is it? I have sent you an e mail Andrea, let me know if you get it. So sorry i missed your call. Please call again. My beautiful Smokey died so i am feeling sad. I explained this in your e mail. I have started uni so i have to really organise my time. Work is good and we are still planning our wedding. I will let you know details as soon as we know what we are doing. I love you heaps, keep having fun.



2:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pleased to keep up with your adventures. The 'gun' suits you,Den. The weather is very cool at the moment, and we are having a little drop of rain. Sad news - bush-puss has gone to cat heaven as of last Saturday, he had become very frail and sick, and we miss having him around. Den. remember reverse charge calls are available here. We wish Andrea a happy birthday in case we dont send another message in time. Computer again has a modem after 3 weeks, we are again in touch. Where is the next country of your travels. Continue to enjoy your trip. Love Mum and Dad.

3:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We hope you keep having magical time .have a very special day
with Dennis
with love always,dad and mum

11:49 AM


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